
Earth Surface System Science and Sustainable Development



Themes and Sessions
Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Advancing Earth System Science




Earth and humanity have entered a new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene, where human history becomes the history of the Earth. The Anthropocene represents a geological era characterized by significant influences of human activities as the primary external geological force, leading to immense impacts on landforms, global environments, and ecosystems. The evolution of the Earth system has been altered in terms of rates and processes, entering a new phase influenced jointly by nature and human activities. This transformative era has accelerated changes in the Earth's environment and societal systems, fundamentally altering our relationship with the environment and the biosphere. To address the global changes of the Anthropocene and achieve sustainable development, it is crucial to advance the field of Earth system science. This entails studying and understanding the dynamics of the socio-natural systems within the Anthropocene, particularly focusing on aspects such as system adaptability, vulnerability, resilience, and the changing patterns of system stability. Additionally, it involves examining the trade-offs between human well-being and the natural environment. Furthermore, the development of a comprehensive interdisciplinary research framework in Earth system science is essential. This framework should facilitate the integration of natural and social sciences, enabling cross-disciplinary collaboration to explore the complex interactions within the Anthropocene. Simultaneously, it is necessary to transform human societies, humanities, and scientific thinking, as well as innovate existing scientific approaches and technologies. This transformation should encompass an understanding of how the scientific cognitive structure within the Anthropocene evolves, how science can better serve society, and how the forms and practices of communication and participation among scientists change in the Anthropocene era.

The utilization of systems science theories and methodologies to study the changes in the Earth system, which includes the inseparable subsystem of human systems since the inception of the Anthropocene, represents a new leap in the advancement of Earth system science. It stands as an emerging discipline that is highly integrative and cross-disciplinary, holding significant importance in today's world. At present, the sustainable development of human society, especially China's economy and society, is facing many challenges in resources, ecological environment and climate, such as huge resource and energy consumptions, severe problems of water and soil resources, intensification of environmental pollution, ecosystem degradation, extreme weather events and frequent natural disasters. Sustainable development issues are complex in their processes and outcomes, occurring at multiple hierarchical scales, and ultimately manifesting as systemic and global challenges. Therefore, the realization of a shared human destiny, the construction of a beautiful China, and the achievement of sustainable development for human society necessitate the urgent promotion of interdisciplinary research within the field of Earth system science.

  1. 地球系统观测、数据集成和模型(召集人:李新,鹿化煜,阳坤,陈旻,朱佳雷;秘书:董建志)
    Earth System Observations, Data Integration, and Modeling
  2. 地球系统过程与生态环境效应(召集人:曾永平,徐福留,金章东,张彤,陈玖斌;秘书:郑旺)
    Processes of earth system and the relative eco-environmental impacts
  3. 地球层圈相互作用与全球环境变化(召集人:李小雁,罗义,张强,傅平青,李思亮;秘书:戚羽霖)
    The interactions between Earth’s spheres and global environmental change
  4. 社会-生态系统与可持续性科学(召集人:方创琳,王学军,贺灿飞,张晓玲,谷保静;秘书:晏智锋)
    Social-ecological system and sustainability science


The surface-earth system is constantly changing under the influence of natural and anthropogenic forces. How to maintain a sustainable development is a long-standing concern with the changing spatial compartment and material character of the Earth surface and with the reciprocal relationship between human beings and the environment, and is becoming increasingly central to both natural science and society. In recent years, dramatic climate change and increased human activities have profoundly altered the Earth surface processes and are posing ecological challenges. Moreover, the environmental impacts of anthropogenic activity are expected to increase as the world becomes more populated and energy-consuming. As the surface-earth system directly drives material and energy exchanges within/between the different surface compartments and human beings, more efforts must be made to better understand the function of the surface-earth system under such natural and human pressures. This SESS conference will focus on the recent research achievements on how climate and other environmental changes are affecting the vulnerabilities of coupled human–environment systems, how changes and modifications should be made for human activities, and how natural resources should be used in order to maintain a sustainable development.

  1. 表层地球系统内部转化过程和物质演变
    Internal processes and evolution of the Surface Earth System
  2. 表层地球系统对气候和环境变化的响应
    Responses of surface-earth system to climate and environmental changes
  3. 表层地球系统科学和可持续发展
    The Surface Earth System and the sustainable development
Response of the Surface-Earth System to a Changing Planet

The 2019 International Workshop on Surface-Earth System Science opened on 13th May with the theme of "Response of the Surface-Earth System to a Changing Planet". Hosted by the Institute of Surface-Earth System Science (ISESS in short) of Tianjin University, this 3-day conference brought nearly 200 participants home and abroad to explore the sustainable development of the earth. 16 academicians/fellows from 7 countries and 20 distinguished scientists from Peking University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tongji University and Chinese Academy of Sciences etc. were invited to give a talk covering 6 frontier topics in the area of surface-earth system science. Two poster sessions were added to encourage academic exchange with young scholars and students.

  1. New proxies for studying the Surface-Earth System
  2. Land (sea)-air interactions and atmospheric environmental change
  3. Shaping surface-Earth through reactions at mineral interfaces and grain boundaries
  4. Water and biogeochemical cycling in Anthropocene
  5. Updated new insights for the critical zone
  6. The Surface-Earth system science and sustainable development
The Surface-Earth System Science and Sustainability

This workshop has a main theme on "the Surface-Earth System Sciencesand Sustainability", and will focus on the following topics from a perceptive of the Surface-Earth System Sciences.

  1. Structure, composition and dynamics of Surface-Earth systems in past, at present and in future
  2. Regional and global biogeochemical cycling of elements related to climate/environmental changes
  3. Impacts of natural and anthropogenic processes on the evolution of the ecosystem service of the Surface-Earth systems