Tianjin University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of China. Originally as Imperial Tientsin University and later Peiyang University, this university was founded in 1895 and is the first modern university and the oldest university in China, leading the country's significant shift towards modernization and development. The university was founded with the goal of providing modern education in engineering and mining, and it later expanded to include programs in science, business, law, humanities, and other fields. The establishment of Tianjin University marked a turning point in Chinese history, as it represented a significant shift towards modernization and the adoption of Western educational models. It is renowned both domestically and internationally for its motto of 'seeking truth from facts,' the rigorous academic atmosphere, and the tradition of patriotism and dedication. In 1951, it was renamed Tianjin University through a national department adjustment. It is one of the first 16 national key universities designated by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1959 and was among the first batch of universities included in the 'Project 211' and 'Project 985' for key construction. It has also been selected as a Class A university in the national 'Double First-Class' initiative. Please visit the official university website for more details.
天津大学(Tianjin University)是教育部直属国家重点大学, 其前身为北洋大学,始建于1895年,是中国第一所现代大学,素以“实事求是”的校训、“严谨治学”的校风和“爱国 奉献”的传统享誉海内外。1951年经国家院系调整定名为天津大学,是1959年中共中央首批确定的16所国家重点大学之一,是“211工程”、“985工程”首批重点建设的大学,入选国家“世界一流大学建设”A类高校。