


余光辉,男,教授,博导。主要从事土壤中内生纳米矿物的组成、来源、驱动机制及其环境效应等研究。2012年获全国优秀博士学位论文提名,2018年入选天津大学“北洋学者”B计划。先后赴美国北卡州立大学和俄勒冈州立大学访问。已在Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaEnvironmental Science and TechnologyWater ResearchSoil Biology and Biochemistry等期刊公开发表论文90余篇,其中SCI论文80余篇。目前,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇。已获授权国家发明专利4项。主编专著1部,参编中文著作1部、英文书籍2章。现任《Waste Management》副主编(Associate Editor)、Frontiers in Earth Science》和Frontiers in Environmental Science》客座副主编、《环境科学研究》编委。

2018.09~今,天津大学, 表层地球系统科学研究院,教授.
2016.10~2017.03,美国俄勒冈州立大学, 作物与土壤科学系,访问学者.
2016.01~2018.08,南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院,教授.
2015.03~2016.04,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学, 植物病理学系,访问学者.
2013.12~今,南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院,博士生导师.
2011.06~今,南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院,硕士生导师.
2011.01~2015.12,南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院,副教授.
2009.10~2010.12,南京农业大学, 资源与环境科学学院,讲师.
2008.06~2008.10,台湾大学, 化学工程学系,联合培养生.
2006.03~2009.07,同济大学, 环境科学与工程学院,工学博士.
2003.09~2006.03,青岛理工大学, 环境与市政工程学院,工学硕士.
1999.09~2003.07,济南大学, 应用化学与环境工程学院,工学学士.
2017.01~2020.12,沼渣一体化制肥及高值化利用技术与智能装备研发,1047万元, 在研, 主持,国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFD0800803).
2014.01~2017.12,有机肥促进红壤中非晶形纳米矿物形成的机制研究,80万元, 结题, 主持,国家自然科学基金(41371248).
2013.07~2016.07,土壤胶体中非晶形纳米矿物的形成机制和结构特征研究,10万元, 结题, 主持,江苏省自然科学基金(BK20131321).
2011.01~2015.12,土壤有机质转化累积机制与提高途径,560万元, 结题, 学术骨干,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 计划)课题(2011CB100503).
2011.01~2013.12,荧光标记方法原位研究接种优势菌种加速堆肥腐熟机理,20万元, 结题, 主持,国家自然科学基金(21007027).



Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1431192/guanghui-yu/

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guanghui_Yu2

Sun, F.S., G.H. Yu*, M.L. Polizzotto, W. Ran, and Q.R. Shen,2019,Toward understanding the binding of Zn in soils by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and synchrotron-radiation-based spectromicroscopies,Geoderma,337: 238–245.
Huang, X.L., Z.X. Jia, J.J. Guo, T.L. Li, D.S. Sun, H.S. Meng, G.H. Yu, X.H. He, W. Ran, S.S. Zhang, J.P. Hong, and Q.R. Shen,2019,Ten-year long-term organic fertilization enhances carbon sequestration and calcium-mediated stabilization of aggregate-associated organic carbon in a reclaimed Cambisol,Geoderma,355: 113880.
Du, H.Y., G.H. Yu*, F.S. Sun, M. Usman, B.A. Goodman, W. Ran, and Q.R. Shen,2019,Iron minerals inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas brassicacearum J12 via a free-radical mechanism: Implications for soil carbon storage,Biogeosciences,16(7): 1433–1445.
Wen, Y.L., W.J. Liu, W.B. Deng, X.H. He, and G.H. Yu*,2019,Impact of agricultural fertilization practices on organo-mineral associations in four long-term field experiments: implications for soil C sequestration,Science of the Total Environment,651: 591–600.
Yu, G.H.*, Z.L. Chi, H. H. Teng, H.L. Dong, A. Kappler, M.R. Gillings, M.L. Polizzotto, C.Q. Liu, Y.G. Zhu*,2019,Fungus-initiated catalytic reactions at hyphal-mineral interfaces drive iron redox cycling and biomineralization,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,260: 192–203.
Zhang, Y.P., B. Zhang, Y.L. He, O. Lev, G.H. Yu, G.X. Shen, S.Q. Hu,2019,DOM as an indicator of occurrence and risks of antibiotics in a city-river-reservoir system with multiple pollution sources,Science of The Total Environment,686: 276–289.
Xiao, J., Y.L. Wen, S. Dou, B.C. Bostick, X.H. He, W. Ran, G.H. Yu*, and Q.R. Shen,2019,A new strategy for assessing the binding microenvironments in intact soil microaggregates,Soil & Tillage Research,189: 123–130.
Guan, D.X., F.S. Sun, G.H. Yu*, M.L. Polizzotto, and Y.G. Liu,2018,Total and available metal concentrations in soils from six long-term fertilization sites across China,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,25(31):31666–31678.
Xiao, J., Y.L. Wen, G.H. Yu, and S. Dou*,2018,Strategy for microscale characterization of soil mineral-organic associations by synchrotron-radiation-based FTIR technology,Soil Science Society of America Journal,82(6): 1583–1591.
Huang, X.L., H.Y. Tang, W.J. Kang, G.H. Yu, W. Ran*, J.P. Hong, and Q.R. Shen,2018,Redox interface-associated organo-mineral interactions: A mechanism for C sequestration under a rice-wheat cropping system,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,120: 12–23.
Guan, D.X., Y.Q. Li, N.Y. Yu, G.H. Yu, S. Wei, H. Zhang, W. Davison, X.Y. Cui, L.Q. Ma, and J. Luo*,2018,In situ measurement of perfluoroalkyl substances in aquatic systems using diffusive gradients in thin-films technique,Water Research,144: 162–171.
Wen, Y.L., J. Xiao, F.F. Liu, B.A. Goodman, W. Li, Z.J. Jia, W. Ran, R.F. Zhang, Q.R. Shen, and G.H. Yu*,2018,Contrasting effects of chemical and organic fertilisation regimes on shifts in the Fe redox bacterial community,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,117: 56–67.
Anastopoulos*, I., A. Mittal*, M. Usman*, J. Mittal*, G.H. Yu*, A. Núnez-Delgado*, and M. Kornaros*,2018,A review on halloysite-based adsorbents to remove pollutants in water and wastewater,Journal of Molecular Liquids,269: 855–868.
Sun, F.S., Y.Q. Li, X. Wang, Z.L. Chi, and G.H. Yu*,2017,Using new hetero-spectral two-dimensional correlation analyses and synchrotron-radiation- based spectromicroscopy to characterize binding of Cu to soil dissolved organic matter,Environmental Pollution,223: 457–465.
Yu, G.H., J. Xiao, S.J. Hu, M.L. Polizzotto, F.J. Zhao, S.P. McGrath, H. Li, W. Ran, and Q.R. Shen*,2017,Mineral availability as a key regulator of soil carbon storage,Environmental Science & Technology,51(9): 4960–4969.
Yang, X.P., Q. Li, Z. Tang, W.W. Zhang, G.H. Yu, Q.R. Shen, and F.J. Zhao,2017,Heavy metal concentrations and arsenic speciation in animal manure composts in China,Waste Management,64: 333–339.
Sun, F.S., M.L. Polizzotto, D.X. Guan, J. Wu, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, B.R. Wang, G.H. Yu*,2017,Exploring the interactions and binding sites between Cd and functional groups in soil DOM using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and synchrotron radiation based spectromicroscopies,Journal of Hazardous Materials,326: 18–25.
Huang, X.L., C.L. Feng, G.L. Zhao, M. Ding, W.J. Kang, G.H. Yu, W. Ran*, and Q.R. Shen,2017,Carbon sequestration potential promoted by oxalate extractable iron oxides through organic fertilization,Soil Science Society of America Journal,81(6): 1359–1370.
Huang, C.C., S. Liu, R.Z. Li, F.S. Sun, Y. Zhou, and G.H. Yu*,2016,Spectroscopic evidence of the improvement of reactive iron mineral content in red soil by long-term application of swine manure,PLoS One,11(1): e0146364.
Feng, X.M., N. Ling*, H. Chen, C. Zhu, Y.H. Duan, C. Peng, G.H. Yu, W. Ran, Q.R. Shen, and S.W. Guo*,2016,Soil ionomic and enzymatic responses and correlations to fertilizations amended with and without organic fertilizer in long-term experiments,Scientific Reports,6: 24559.
Xiao, J., X.H. He, Y. Zhou, L.R. Zheng, J.L. Hao, W. Ran, Q.R. Shen, and G.H. Yu*,2016,New strategies for submicron characterization the carbon binding of reactive minerals in long-term contrasting fertilized soils: implications for soil carbon storage,Biogeosciences,13(12): 3607–3618.
Li, H., S.J. Hu, M.L. Polizzotto, X.L. Chang, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, and G.H. Yu*,2016,Fungal biomineralization of montmorillonite and goethite to short-range-ordered minerals,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,191:17–31.
Xiao, J., Y.L. Wen, H. Li, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, X.L. Mei, X.H. He, and G.H. Yu*,2015,In situ visualization and characterization of the capacity of highly reactive minerals preserving soil organic matter (SOM) in colloids at submicron scales,Chemosphere,138: 225–232.
Yuan, B., X.H. Wang*, C.Y. Tang, X.F. Li, and G.H. Yu,2015,In situ observation of the growth of biofouling layer in osmotic membrane bioreactors by multiple fuorescence labeling and confocal laser scanning microscopy,Water Research,75: 188–200.
Chadwick*, D., W. Jia, Y.A. Tong, G.H. Yu, Q.R. Shen, and Q. Chen,2015,Improving manure nutrient management towards sustainable agricultural intensification in China,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,209: 34–46.
Xu, H.C., H.L. Jiang*, G.H. Yu, and L.Y. Yang,2014,Towards understanding the role of extracellular polymeric substances in cyanobacterial Microcystis aggregation and mucilaginous bloom formation,Chemosphere,117C: 815–822.
Ling, N., D.S. Wang, C. Zhu, Y. Song, G.H. Yu, W. Ran, Q.W. Huang, S.W. Guo, and Q.R. Shen*,2014,Response of the population size and community structure of Paenibacillus spp. to different fertilization regimes in a long-term experiment of red soil,Plant and Soil,383(1–2): 87–98.
Ling, N., Y.M. Sun, J.H. Ma, J.J. Guo, P. Zhu, C. Peng, G.H. Yu, W. Ran, S.W. Guo, and Q.R. Shen*,2014,Response of the bacterial diversity and soil enzyme activity in particle-size fractions of Mollisol after different fertilization in a long-term experiment,Biology and Fertility of Soils,50: 901–911.
Wang, C., C.C. Huang, J. Qian, J. Xiao, H. Li, Y.L. Wen, X.H. He, W. Ran, Q.R. Shen, and G.H. Yu*,2014,Rapid and accurate evaluation of the quality of commercial organic fertilizers using near infrared spectroscopy,PLoS One,9(2): e88279.
Wen, Y.L., J. Xiao, H. Li, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, Q.S. Zhou, G.H. Yu*, and X.H. He,2014,Long-term fertilization practices alter soil aluminum fractions and coordinate state in soil colloids,Soil Science Society of America Journal,78(6): 2083–2089.
Wu, J., M.J. Wu, C.P. Li, and G.H. Yu*,2014,Long-term fertilization modifies the structures of soil fulvic acids and their binding capability with Al,PLoS One,9(8): e105567.
Wen, Y.L., H. Li, J. Xiao, C. Wang, Q.R. Shen, W. Ran, X.H. He, Q.S. Zhou, and G.H. Yu*,2014,Insights into complexation of dissolved organic matter and Al(III) and nanominerals formation in soils under contrasting fertilizations using two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and high resolution- transmission electron microscopy techniques,Chemosphere,111: 441–449.
Zhang, J.C., L. Zhang, P. Wang, Q.W. Huang, G.H. Yu, D.C. Li, Q.R. Shen, and W. Ran*,2013,The role of non-crystalline Fe in the increase of SOC after long-term organic manure application to the red soil of southern China,European Journal of Soil Science,64(6): 797–804.
Zhang, F.G., Z. Zhu, B.B. Wang, P. Wang, G.H. Yu, M.J. Wu, W. Chen, W. Ran*, and Q.R. Shen,2013,Optimization of Trichoderma harzianum T-E5 biomass and determining the degradation sequence of biopolymers by FTIR in solid-state fermentation,Industrial Crops and Products,49: 619–627.
Xu, H.C., G.H. Yu, and H.L. Jiang*,2013,Investigation on extracellular polymeric substances from mucilaginous cyanobacterial blooms in eutrophic freshwater lakes,Chemosphere,93(1): 75–81.
Xu, H.C., H.Y. Cai, G.H. Yu, and H.L. Jiang*,2013,Insights into extracellular polymeric substances of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa using fractionation procedure and parallel factor analysis,Water Research,47(6): 2005–2014.
Xu, H.C., Z.S. Yan, H.Y. Cai, G.H. Yu, L.Y. Yang, and H.L. Jiang*,2013,Heterogeneity in metal binding by individual fluorescent components in a eutrophic algae-rich lake,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,98: 266–272.
Cai, F., G.H. Yu, P. Wang, Z. Wei, L. Fu, Q.R. Shen, and W. Chen*,2013,Harzianolide, a novel plant growth regulator and systemic resistance elicitor from Trichoderma harzianum,Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,73: 106–113.
Li, X.M., Q.R. Shen, D.Q. Zhang, X.L. Mei, W. Ran, Y.C. Xu, and G.H. Yu*,2013,Functional groups determine biochar properties (pH and EC) as studied by two-dimensional 13C NMR correlation spectroscopy,PLoS One,8(6): e65949.
Zhu, Z., R. Li, G.H. Yu, W. Ran*, and Q.R. Shen,2013,Enhancement of lipopeptides production in a two-temperature-stage process under SSF conditions and its bioprocess in the fermenter,Bioresource Technology,127: 209–215.
Xu, H.C., G.H. Yu, L.Y. Yang, and H.L. Jiang*,2013,Combination of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis to characterize the binding of heavy metals with DOM in lake sediments,Journal of Hazardous Materials,263 (2): 412–421.
Gao, J.X., H.H. Zhang*, X.Z. Cao, J. Ding, G.H. Yu, and H.C. Xu,2013,Characteristics and kinetics of ammonia and N2O emissions of aged refuse irrigated from landfill leachate,Waste Management,33(5): 1229–1236.
Luo, Y.H., D.Q Zhang, G.H. Yu*, and Q.R. Shen,2013,Aromatic moieties from matured chicken manure and agriculture residues compost suppress the growth of Lepidium sativum L. and Trichoderma harzianum,Pedosphere,23(6): 826–834.
Xu, D.B., D.Y. Liu, Z. Tang, G.H. Yu, J.F. Yuan, Q.R. Shen, and Q.W. Huang*,2012,Structure of chemical components in different compost extracts characterized by chromatogram and spectroscopy analysis and its influence on plant growth promotion,Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management,14(4): 325–333.
Liao, H.P., C.M. Xu, S.Y. Tan, Z. Wei, N. Ling, G.H. Yu, W. Raza, R.F. Zhang, Q.R. Sheng, and Y.C. Xu*,2012,Production and characterization of acidophilic xylanolytic enzymes from Penicillium oxalicum GZ-2,Bioresource Technology,123: 117–124.
Xu, D.B., R. Waseem, G.H. Yu, Q.Y. Zhao, Q.R. Shen, and Q.W. Huang*,2012,Phytotoxicity analysis of extracts from compost and their ability to inhibit soil-borne pathogenic fungi and reduce root-knot nematodes,World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology,28(3): 1193–1201.
Wu, M.J., X.L. Mei, Q.R. Shen, and G.H. Yu*,2012,Molecular structures and biofilm characterization in compost at different maturity stages using 13C NMR spectroscopy and multiple fluorescence labeling techniques,Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,9(2): 65–72.
Xu, D.B., Q.J. Wang, Y.C. Wu, G.H. Yu, Q.R. Shen, and Q.W. Huang*,2012,Humic-like substances from different compost extracts could significantly promote cucumber growth,Pedosphere,22(6): 815–824.
Wang, L.P., Q.R. Shen, G.H. Yu*, W. Ran, and Y.C. Xu,2012,Fate of biopolymers during rapeseed meal and wheat bran composting as studied by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy in combination with multiple fluorescence labeling techniques,Bioresource Technology,105: 88–94.
Yu, G.H., M.J. Wu, G.R. Wei, Y.H. Luo, W. Ran, B.R. Wang, J.C. Zhang, and Q.R. Shen*,2012,Binding of organic ligands with Al(III) in dissolved organic matter from soil: implications for soil organic carbon storage,Environmental Science and Technology,46(11): 6102–6109.
Tian, W., L.Z. Li, F. Liu, Z.H. Zhang, G.H. Yu, Q.R. Shen, and B. Shen*,2012,Assessment of the maturity and biological parameters of compost produced from dairy manure and rice chaff by excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy,Bioresource Technology,110: 330–337.
Yu, G.H., Y.H. Luo, M.J. Wu, Z. Tang, D.Y. Liu, X.M. Yang, and Q.R. Shen*,2011,PARAFAC modeling of fluorescence excitation-emission spectra for rapid assessment of compost maturity,Bioresource Technology,101(21): 8244–8251.
Yong, X.Y., R. Waseem, G.H. Yu, W. Ran, Q.R. Shen*, and X.M. Yang,2011,Optimization of the production of poly-gamma-glutamic acid by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens C1 in solid-state fermentation using dairy manure compost and monosodium glutamate production residues as basic substrates,Bioresource Technology,102(16): 7548–7554.
Yu, G.H., Z. Tang, Y.C. Xu, and Q.R. Shen*,2011,Multiple fluorescence labeling and two dimensional FTIR–13C NMR heterospectral correlation spectroscopy to characterize extracellular polymeric substances in biofilms produced during composting,Environmental Science and Technology,45(21): 9224–9231.
Yu, G.H., M.J. Wu, Y.H. Luo, X.M. Yang, W. Ran, and Q.R. Shen*,2011,Fluorescence excitation-emission spectroscopy with regional integration analysis for assessment of compost maturity,Waste Management,31(8): 1729–1736.
Tang, Z., G.H. Yu, D.Y. Liu, D.B. Xu, and Q.R. Shen*,2011,Different analysis techniques for fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy to assess compost maturity,Chemosphere,82(8): 1202–1208.
Liu, D.Y., R.F. Zhang, H.S. Wu, D.B. Xu, Z. Tang, G.H. Yu, Z.H. Xu, and Q.R. Shen*,2011,Changes in biochemical and microbiological parameters during the period of rapid composting of dairy manure with rice chaff,Bioresource Technology,102(19): 9040–9049.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, and L.M. Shao,2010,Reconsideration of anaerobic fermentation from excess sludge at pH 10.0 as an eco–friendly process,Journal of Hazardous Materials,175(1–3): 510–517.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, and L.M. Shao,2010,Novel insights into sludge dewaterability by fluorescence excitation–emission matrix combined with parallel factor analysis,Water Research,44(3): 797–806.
Yu, G.H., D.J. Lee*, P.J. He, L.M. Shao, and J.Y. Lai,2010,Fouling layer with fractionated extracellular polymeric substances of activated sludge,Separation Science and Technology,45(7): 993–1002.
Xu, H.C., P.J. He*, G.Z. Wang, G.H. Yu, and L.M. Shao,2010,Enhanced storage stability of aerobic granules seeded with pellets,Bioresource Technology,101(21): 8031–8037.
Yu, G.H., Y.Q. Juang, D.J. Lee*, P.J. He, and L.M. Shao,2009,Filterability and extracelular polymeric substances in aerobic granules for AGMBR process,Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,40(4): 479–483.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, L.M. Shao, and Y.S. Zhu,2009,Enzyme extraction by ultrasound from sludge flocs,Journal of Environmental Sciences,21(2): 204–210.
Yu, G.H., Y.Q. Juang, D.J. Lee*, P.J. He, and L.M. Shao,2009,Enhanced aerobic granulation with extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)–free pellets,Bioresource Technology,100(20): 4611–4615.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, and L.M. Shao,2009,Characteristics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) fractions in sludge flocs and their effects on flocculability,Bioresource Technology,100(13): 3193–3198.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, and L.M. Shao,2009,Characteristics of different extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) fractions of sludge flocs from brewery wastewater treatment plant (WWTP),Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,6(3): 105–111.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, and L.M. Shao,2009,Breakage and re–growth of sludge flocs by removal and re–addition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) fractions,Environmental Engineering Science,26(10): 1533–1540.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, L.M. Shao, and P.P. He,2008,Toward understanding the mechanism of improving the production of volatile fatty acids from activated sludge at pH 10.0,Water Research,42(18): 4637–4644.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, L.M. Shao, and P.P. He,2008,Stratification structure of sludge flocs with implications to dewaterability,Environmental Science and Technology,42(21): 7944–7949.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, L.M. Shao, and Y.S. Zhu,2008,Extracellular proteins, polysaccharides and enzymes impact on sludge aerobic digestion after ultrasonic pretreatment,Water Research,42(8–9): 1925–1934.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, L.M. Shao, and D.J. Lee,2008,Extracellular enzymes in sludge flocs collected at fourteen full–scale wastewater treatment plants,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,83(12): 1717–1725.
Yu, G.H., X.J. Xu, and P.J. He*,2007,Isolates identification and characteristics of microorganisms in biotrickling filter and biofilter system treating H2S and NH3,Journal of Environmental Sciences,19 (7): 859–863.
Yu, G.H., P.J. He*, L.M. Shao, and D.J. Lee,2007,Enzyme activities in activated sludge flocs,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,77(3): 605–612.


1. 余光辉, 何品晶 . 基于絮体多层结构的污水厂污泥脱水和颗粒化机制研究. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2017.08. (ISBN 978-7-5608-6964-3).

l  编著

1. Yu, G.H. (2018). Chapter 5: Root exudates and microbial communities drive mineral dissolution and the formation of nano-size minerals in soils: Implications for soil carbon storage. In Root Biology, Giri, B.; Prasad, R.; Varma, A., Eds. Springer International Publishing: Cham; pp 143–166.

2. Yu, G.H., W. Ran, Q.R. Shen (2016). Chapter 1: Compost Process and Organic Fertilizers Application in China, In Organic Fertilizers - From Basic Concepts to Applied Outcomes,  Marcelo L. Larramendy; Sonia Soloneski, Eds. InTech, Croatia; pp 1–24.

3. 曹文平, 余光辉 主编.《环境工程导论》, 北京: 中国质检出版社, 2012, 21世纪高等学校规划教材 (ISBN 978-7-5026-3616-6).